Qualified TOur Guides
Always Use A Qualified Guide
Accurate information​
Trained to manage groups safely
Entertaining and fun​
​Fully insured​
Veritas London Tours are members of the following bodies:​

About The Institute OF TOurist Guiding

The Institute of Tourist Guiding is a professional membership organisation which is committed to developing, maintaining and promoting professional standards in tourist guiding.
Institute of Tourist Guiding ..... the voice of professional guiding
The Institute's mission is...
To promote quality tourist guiding as an essential component of the visitor experience, fit for the 21st century
To set, monitor and maintain standards of professionalism in tourist guiding
To accredit training programmes and award qualifications that are recognised as the highest standard in tourist guiding
The Institute awards qualifications at three educational levels.
Each level is exemplified by one of the Badges we present to successful candidates - Blue, Green or White.
Each qualification is specific to the geographic area for which the candidate has been trained and examined.
According to their level of training and examination, candidates qualify in up to three modes of guiding - at sites, on guided walks, on a moving vehicle.
Blue Badge
Holders are qualified for all three modes of guiding - guided walks, at sites - in their specified region. -
Green Badge
Holders are qualified for two modes of guiding - guided walks and at sites in their specified city, town, borough or area of countryside. -
White Badge
Holders are qualified for one mode of guiding - either at a specific site, e.g. museum, cathedral, stately home, or a guided walk along one fixed route.